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Planning An Amusement Park Trip

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If you are going to be going to an amusement park with a group, there are several things that you can plan to make your day go by smoothly. Whether a family reunion, a school trip, or an outing with a bunch of friends, you will have a blast by making itineraries that can be followed so that everyone sees the most of everything. You will also want to make it safe for everyone and easy to find each other while you are touring the area. Here are some ideas that you can use when planning a group trip to an amusement park.

Planning Transportation

If the amusement park is not too far away, you may want to have some of your group decide to be drivers and carpool the participants. If the group is large, you might be better off renting a charter bus. This will allow everyone to stick together from the beginning of the trip. No one needs to worry about directions or staying alert to drive, and extra fun can be had on the bus. You can play little games on the way to make the time go quicker, and there may be a restroom right on board for your use.

Before Leaving For The Park

You will want everyone to be aware of what the itinerary will be for the park visit. If there are children that should not ride certain rides, the chaperones need to be aware of this in advance. You may want to have everyone wear printed t-shirts in the same color so that your group can easily identify other members while walking around. This is a wonderful way to be able to do a headcount every once in a while to make sure that no one has wandered off. 

You can also represent your group in a fun way with t-shirts. A company like Meder Tee's can help you print up some sort of slogan and put the name of your group on the front and back of the shirts. They can be kept as souvenirs of the fun day when it is over.

Arriving At The Park

You will want to make a plan for when everyone will meet for lunch. If you are at the park with a huge group, smaller groups can be designated. If the group involves children, a chaperone will need to be designated to ensure safety. Have one person be in charge of getting tickets for the group to avoid overwhelming the staff when you arrive. 

Hand out a cell phone list if there are a lot of adults in your group. This can be helpful for when you want to track down other members of your group. Make sure that everyone is aware that if they should become separated from the group, that they should meet up in a pre-determined area. If they are aware that there is a spot they can go, it will help them from being scared if they get lost.
